Is Happiness @ Work a Worthy Pursuit?

I was coaching an organization when a senior leader in a Zoom meeting said with a familiar frown, "I don't need to be happy at work. I find happiness other places."

🙈🙉🙊 This statement floored me.


We spend the best hours of our days, weeks, years, and decades at work. Is it too much to pursue some "happiness" at work in addition to a paycheck for a job well done? 

Happiness is an outcome of health, and if HEALTH is your organization’s reason for being, then health + happiness in the employee experience is a powerful equation to achieve your company mission. If your organization exists to help clients, customers, patients and caregivers live healthier lives, then it is imperative for employees to aspire to health and happiness – whether at work or not.  

Happiness is NOT...trite...toxic positivity....or an experience reserved for nights and weekends. 

What is it then?  

Happiness is the opposite of misery. We know that when people are downers, their productivity, results, and health decline. Miserable people are just not effective. Worse, they downgrade a culture’s engagement and safety for everyone else.  

True story: I was once accused of showing up to work with "boatloads of enthusiasm” as if that were a bad thing. To be honest, that comment hurt a bit. 

Of course, I know that not every moment is pure joy, and that's okay. 

Many days are stressful with impossible expectations, tight deadlines, and difficult people to deal with. 

I have learned that, under pressure, all I can control is my own attitude. My personal value is aspirational - to show up to work as a positive force, even on the hardest days. 

💡 Let's think about culture and its impact on business results. 

Question➔ Do you think people do their best work and achieve financial goals when in misery “my job sucks” 👎🏼 - or if they enjoy the projects, people, and culture "my job rocks!" 👍🏻.

Work does not have to be a slog every day. But, if it is, you may wish to find a new employer that lifts people who show up with positive attitudes – no matter the workload. 

📈 Positive people are business accelerators. ❌ Negative employees are culture drainers.

We can’t expect the company to make us happy at work. No! We can take ownership and generate happiness ourselves. 


Research shows that happiness occurs when you are in the "flow," firing on all cylinders and getting important sh*t done. 

At its peak, happiness is a direct connection between your work and your purpose.

Leading with purpose and a healthy attitude about happiness can be a remedy for painful, unwanted turnover and retaining your highest performers. 

Another definition of happiness counteracts The Great Resignation effect. People stay where they feel valued, appreciated, and respected.

🏆 Connection + community are building blocks of HAPPINESS. 

So to that end - how might you connect with a colleague today and put a smile on someone else’s face?

The comment, "I don't have to be happy at work," is symptomatic of a toxic culture. Flip this misconception on its head - and do better. You can declare that "YES, happiness is necessary to our success - and it's time we define that for ourselves.”

“Make it your game to be happy despite external circumstances.”  – Untethered Soul, Michael Alan Singer

😄 The next time your colleague shows up to a zoom meeting with genuine enthusiasm, don’t bring them down. Instead, get curious 🤔. I’m sure they would be “happy” to share why they are smiling at work. 

Happiness is contagious. Do your part to spread it.  


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